- Becoming a Member
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- How to Enroll
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- CalPERS Enrollment
CalPERS Enrollment
As a CalPERS employee, we know you have options when it comes to choosing your health insurance. With Hill Physicians, you have access to a large network of doctors who are dedicated to providing you and your family with the convenient, high-quality care you deserve.
How to Select Hill Physicians
Choosing Hill Physicians during open enrollment is easy. Follow these steps:
- Select an HMO plan that offers Hill Physicians.
- Choose your Hill Physicians primary care doctor on our physician directory.
- Enter your doctor’s name on your enrollment form.
- Enter “Hill Physicians Medical Group” on your enrollment form or contact your health plan if this option is not on your form.
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Why Choose Hill Physicians?
With Hill Physicians, you get choice in your healthcare, support and resources when you need them and, most importantly, doctors who provide high-quality care.
What We Do
As a medical group, we contract with health plans and take responsibility for the care of their members.
It’s our job to ensure our members have what they need to get healthy and stay healthy.